Thank you Dr Hussein for giving us back our faith in ‘the system’….
The students of St Mary’s School are a persistent bunch!! They called up a few days back to say that they wanted to come back to the Neela Hauz to “Check on its restoration status and fight with whoever necessary to make it live again”.
Their comment got me worried. Should our children grow up with this belief that they need to ‘fight’ for what is their’s by right? Should they grow up with no faith in the ‘system’ – government, elders and all those who run the world today? Should they see the ‘system’ just as a destroyer of all that is beautiful and pristine…?
No – our children must grow up having faith in the ‘system’. And, having the capability to appreciate all that is good but rectify all that is bad.
I shared these thoughts with the Lt Governor’s OSD – Ranjan Mukherjee and the Dy Director Landscape – in charge of Bio-Diversity projects – Poonam Diwan. I requested them to give the children back their faith – atleast in the government’s promise for restoration of the Neela Hauz.
And so, Dr Hussein, you met us all today at the Neela Hauz. You told us about the DDA’s plans for Neela Hauz Bio-Diversity Area. You explained the complex interplay between all living and non-living inhabitants of our eco-system and how one exists because the other lives. You told us about why the birds and the butterflies we saw all around have vanished. And perhaps more important – you told us about what will be done at the Neela Hauz to bring them all – and more – back. And as icing on the cake, you shared your philosophy of practical ecological conservation, patriotism and a world without boundaries with us.
Sir, your deep love and understanding of nature shone through like a beacon of hope. If you, Mr Mukherjee and Ms Diwan are part of this ‘system’ it can’t really be so bad !
So, now the children have gone back a reassured, optimistic bunch. They have pledged to be watchful, but not cynical; analytical supporters of good effort and align with nature in creating self-sustaining flourishing eco-systems.
Thank you !