Farmer’s Day Gift – Ending the Crisis in Agriculture

    Farmer’s Day Gift – Ending the Crisis in Agriculture

    Is there really a crisis in agriculture? Newspapers reports of bumper crops year after year, MSP, loan waivers, tax & insurance benefits- create the impression of a strong support ecosystem. Failure, if any, would seem to be an individual failure and not a sectoral problem. But there is a parallel narrative too. Of a hereto peaceful farming community increasingly taking to the streets in protest, farmer suicides, youth migrating out in hordes.

    So, is there a crisis, or is there not?

    The answer is both yes and no. There is no crisis in agriculture output – the statistics prove that. But in agriculture, there is an Economic Crisis for the farmer, Nutrition Crisis for the consumer and an Environment Crisis for the country.

    The economics of the current ‘Grow at any cost’ Agriculture borders on irrationality. Agriculture needs judicious use of nine components – Gyaan (Knowledge), Saamaan (Materials), Dhyaan (Observation), Kaal (time), Bhoomi (Soil), Gagan (Space), Vaayu (Air), Agni (Sun), Neer (Water). However, over the decades since the Green Revolution, Samaan (Material) has been positioned as the most critical element. It is portrayed as the magic pill – that compensates for deficiencies in the others and gives the farmer the power to subjugate nature. Materials – fertilizers, pesticides, seed varieties, machinery, labour – form a huge industry. That industry has grown so big that instead of agriculture driving the demand for these materials, agriculture has been forced in a direction that creates an ever-increasing demand for these materials. And that is what has created the Economic Crisis of agriculture. Bumper harvests that crash market prices, whipped out from dead soils by expensive chemical inputs leave the farmer with no real income.

    While economics hits the farmer, the nutrition deficient, poison filled produce strangles the consumer. Good looking produce, in-season and off-season, plumped up with artificial nutrients, hormones, protected by toxins that kill any being that dares touch this lethal beauty, wearing color enhancers and wax make-up lure consumers. Believing their promise of health, the consumer willingly allows the poison entry creating a host of problems in their bodies.

    The Environmental Crisis in agriculture is both the cause and effect of the other two crises. Intensive monoculture agriculture with high irrigation, chemical and machine usage causes soil, air and water depletion and pollution. Conversely, the farmer, impacted by the poor quality of natural resources, compensates by increasing the dosage of the inputs and so, the downward spiral of environmental degradation spins at an ever-increasing speed.

    While the bumper harvests create a sense of food security in the short-term. The aftermath, not too far behind, will be a severe food crisis and an intensification of the economic, nutrition and environmental crises.

    A solution exists for this multiple problem – naturalisation of agriculture. Not going ‘back to nature’ but ‘moving forward’ to aligning better with nature. While current agriculture thinks of nature as an unpredictable foe that needs to be tamed, naturalization implies thinking of nature as a friend and finding ways of leveraging its tremendous power through judicious use of all nine elements. Of these 9 elements, the 6 natural elements – BhaGWAN – Bhoomi (Soil), Gagan (Space), Vaayu (Air), Agni (Sun), Neer (Water) and Kaal form the bedrock of Naturalization of agriculture. The other 3 are tools – Dhyaan (Observation) we read the cues of nature thus getting Gyaan (Knowledge). Then through use of appropriate Saamaan (Materials) at the appropriate time and giving adequate time for growth (kaal), we can get the best out of BhaGWAN. The result, low input costs and high, diversified output thus giving the farmer a healthy profit, the consumer nutritious poison free food and a pollution free environment. On an average, naturalization enables a farmer to gets approximately 80% more income, saves 60% water and within 3 years restores the health and fertility of his soil.

    However, it is easier said than done. The rulebook for Naturalization of agriculture is very different from the one we use for industrial agriculture. Naturalization of agriculture’s ideology is that of coexistence while industrial agriculture’s way is that of coercion. A farmer needs to unlearn conventional farming. Instead of monoculture, he needs to do multiple cropping, instead of levelled & tilled fields, he needs to make permanent beds with minimum tillage; instead of increasing irrigation, he needs to minimise it, instead of cleaning beds after harvest, he needs to retain the residue in the furrows and instead of increasing seeding intensity he needs to increase the gap between plants.

    These practices allow crops to get the maximum benefit from nature. With multiple cropping, crop residue and undisturbed permanent beds, microbes flourish regenerating the soil. Direct seeding saves plants from transplantation shock and the increased space between plants allows them to take full advantage of the sun, air and soil. Irrigation through furrows gives plants the moisture and nutrients they need through capillary action while also saving them problems of root and stem rot because of over irrigation. The relatively dry soil condition on the permanent bed reduces pest and weed infestation.

    Naturalization of agriculture certainly does not mean that one does not supplement nutrients or pest/weed protection through artificial inputs – organic or inorganic. Especially in the initial years of transition from conventional to naturalized agriculture and especially for small, naturalized agriculture fields surrounded by conventional fields, the fields would need some bolstering. But, with each passing year and careful observation by the farmer, the need would decrease.

    This farmer’s day let’s decide to put an end to their economic crisis by recognizing that the solution must be a holistic package that gives the consumer poison free food and environmental sustainability.

    Naturalization of agriculture is that solution.

    Pro Or Against Water

    WaterDear Jal Rakshaks 

    In a recent Workshop, a comment by one of my friends in the developmental sector said something that got me thinking.  We were talking about a civil society advocacy group for Water. She asked me whether I wanted to be part of that group. I immediately said “Yes – any group that cares for Water is a group I’d like to be part of.” Then I asked her who the other members were. She reeled off some names. I was familiar with them and so, without thinking, I said, “ Oh- the Anti-Privatization group?’ She looked at me speculatively and replied, “ Yes…though we too are part of it.” Then more suspiciously, she asked ” Are you pro-privatization or Against?”

    I was stumped for a moment and then said the only thing that came to my mind  “ I am pro – Water for All”

    I remembered another time, another place when a government official had made a similar statement – equally suspiciously – “ Outsourcing is not the same as privatization –I hope you can appreciate the difference?”

    As I sat back today and thought about these questions and my answer, I wrote this blog randomly – just penned down my thoughts as they came….

    My relationship with Water

    I am neither an activist, nor an expert on Water, I am a student – a ‘shishyaa’ – of Water. As I go through the rituals of the work that I do for Water issues, one part of me watches and analyses Water in the different situations It finds itself in. Each time I marvel at the amazing resilience of Water… the calm grace with which it allows adverse situations to play themselves out.  One of the things that I have learnt from It is to assimilate every thought that comes my way. Water treats nothing as good or bad. It is as receptive to poison as it is to nectar. It labels neither. It leaves the labeling to the user. For example, a colony of bacteria in a sewage filled pond probably labels the Water as ‘Excellent –A + category Health drink” while we will label it ‘Highly polluted – E category – unfit for use”

    And that brings me back to my friend’s question and my answer. I think, the answer to whether private involvement in Water is good or bad will vary, depending on who is answering it.  And also will be determined by the circumstances in which private involvement is brought in.

    Where the government system works efficiently, with decision making based on rational parameters, compliance is ensured and where sustainability of the water system is planned for, there, perhaps, private support is not needed. In such a place, the internal dynamism of the government supplier will ensure that Water for All becomes a reality.

    But what of where the government’s water decision making gets influenced by irrational pressures? Or when it is not able to invest in infrastructural improvements needed to make the system work as required.  When the price paid for its inefficiency, is unsustainable pressure on the source and non availability of water for people?  Perhaps this is where the choices open up and so, the debate starts.

    If you ask those who are deprived of Water, they say that the first and most important need is to make water available for all. The choice of mode of delivery and its management system must be decided based on what serves this need best.  In many villages, NGOs supply safe drinking water to people. The polluted village lake has been given as their source of raw water, they have been given some financial support for the capital investment. The operational costs of the system are recovered through a price they charge for the treated water. The pricing is very reasonable, the water quality is good and a local person gets a livelihood running the system. But, in a way, this is a form of privatization – infact the worst kind where the source itself has been given away – so is this good or bad?  

    Those who argue for private involvement in Water management come armed with a huge bunch of facts and figures to prove its impact on efficiency. Those who argue against it come equally armed with examples of failed experiments and figures to prove that we are playing into the hands of profit making entities. Each is passionate and absolute in his belief.

    What irony …formless Water –  the universal solvent, reflecting all that is around it – …. Loved passionately by lovers –  rigid, exclusive and with doors firmly shut on each other.

    The truth is, there are no sides – we are all on the side of Water. Water must be allowed to do what it is best at – slaking the thirst of any living being that needs it. It must not be held hostage by any entity or ideology. With open minds and pure intent we must together identify the method or combination of methods that ensures this.  

    So, Jal Rakshaks, whatever be your belief on how best to care for Water, count me in as a fellow care-giver. In the world of Water, every belief has its space.

    Water Poem for Children

    Stones-in-waterHi I am Varun

    ‘Mr Water’ if you please,

    I’m here to make new friends

    With you and all your buddies.

    I’m a quiet kinda guy

    So I don’t like to brag;

    But fact is I’m a superhero

    Better than your comic book gags!

    Whoosh ! I can disappear

    And envelop you in ghostly mist;

    Thunk! I can sink the titanic

    With my solid icy fist!

    I am a fun filled fella

    Come with me for a spin;

    Sailing and swimming and flying and skiing’

    You name the game and I’m in.

    Par Bachchoo apun se panga mat lena!

    Mai garam ho gayaa to tera ubla anda banaa doonga

    Yaa thand maar ke aadmi ka putlaa banaa doonga

    Arre! Apun woh danger cheez hai jiski phook hee railgaadi bhagaa de !

    At the risk of sounding arrogant

    Let me tell you I’m unique

    I’m called the universal solvent

    And | expand when I freeze

    There’s 344 million cubic miles of me

    Unchanged since the earth was made

    Of this 315 million cubic miles of sea

    3 times more than land

    With just 0.5% of me

    I slake the thirst of all life;

    I’ll bet my last drop

    You cant live 5 days without me!

    75% of you is me

    Just ask you bio teacher

    If there can be life without me ?

    I live my life on your planet

    Over and over again

    Mother ice gives birth to a droplet

    That bounces into a merry stream

    Racing crazily down the mountain

    Sneaking around grandpa rocks

    And hiding in crevices.

    From stream to mighty river

    My transformation is complete,

    Quiet, strong and nurturing

    Life thrives in and around me.

    You don’t give a damn about me,

    Why else would you dump everyday

    2 million tons of waste in me ??

    You lock me in cramped dams

    And build houses on my beautiful bed.

    You suck dry every source

    And blacken the little that’s left !

    And when I go in hiding

    Deep into the earth’s womb

    You yank me out mercilessly

    To flush out your potty !!

    You’ve left me no place to live

    Filled up my lakes, ponds and rivers’

    You’ve killed my big-bro forests

    And now you call me ‘absconder’!!

    What I need is a Maneka Gandhi

    A ‘ People for Ethical Treatment of Water’

    Or ‘Z category’ commando protection

    From those I love to serve!!

    Bruised, battered, infected and famished

    I finally reach the sea

    Cuddled deep in its immensity

    I wait for the sun to set me free

    I ride the flaming sun

    Give colour to heaven’s palette

    Till I’m born again as a drop.

    The Sanitation and Water Challenge in Delhi

    Sanitation & water challengeFORCE* is organizing an ‘Expert Dialogue’ titled ‘The Sanitation and Water Challenge in Delhi – With Special reference to Regularization and Resettlement of the Poor’. The Expert Speakers will share their views on the current and expected challenges in providing adequate, sustainable sanitation and Water services to the lesser privileged in Delhi.

    FORCE will also share the findings of a recent sample study that was done on Community Toilet complex usage, management, infrastructure and maintenance. The study also analyses the impact of   a ‘Community Toilet Complex Monitoring model’ wherein community members monitor and report on the services provided by the CTC they use.

    The objective is to identify challenges in Water and Sanitation and discuss the options for overcoming them. Also the role that each stakeholder needs to play for sustainability

    We would like to invite you for this Expert Dialogue. It will be held on July 31, 2013 from 2.30pm to 5.30 pm. at India International Centre (Multipurpose Hall ), Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Your contribution will be valuable for us all.

    We look forward to having you join us for the Expert Dialogue. For more information on the program, please feel free to write to me at or call me at 9899812888.

    In collaboration with Times of India and with the support of WaterAid India and CASP-Plan


    Date: July 31, 2013         Venue: India International Centre, Multipurpose Hall, Lodhi Estate



    (With special reference to regularization and resettlement of settlements for the poor)

    2.30pm – 3pm          – Registration

    3.00pm – 3.30 pm    – Welcome Address and Presentation of CTC Usage survey –   FORCE

    3.30 pm – 4.45pm     – Expert views

    –  Sh Bal Mukund, Editor, Navbharat Times (will also conduct the dialogue)

    – Key Civil Society Concerns in Water and Sanitation planning –  WaterAid India,  GIZ and CASP-Plan

    – Sh PK Tripathi – Former Chief Secretary and current Chairman of Public Grievances Committee

    Sh S Khan – Chairman, Minorities Commission

    Sh Amar Nath – CEO, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board

    Smt Debashree Mukherjee – CEO, Delhi Jal Board

    4.45 pm – 5.15 pm   – Interactive session with audience

    5.15 pm – 5.30pm    – Vote of thanks and Mementos to Honble Guests

    5.30pm onwards  High tea

    Excerpt From My Book – WaGu

    Water the guruDear Jal Rakshaks,

    As I saw more and more of Water in my work for its conservation, I started to see that Water is not a mere ‘resource’. All that you need to learn about living a life well lived, you can learn from Water. I see, Water as my Guru. Please read this excerpt from the first draft of a book I’m writing on it. Please share with me stories, ideas, existential questions….anything…. that you think must be a part of  a book like this. Also please help me find a title for the book ! 

    The Guru Revealed Himself to me…..

    ….In Varanasi. Varanasi is a holy city on the banks of the holy river Ganges. The epicentre of the Hindu religion, the city has temples all around and thousands of people immersing themselves in the Ganga’s holy waters.

    This is all about religion, not spirituality“, I thought.

    Though there were temples all over, I did not particularly feel closer to God there. The holy river also looked too crowded, too dirty. I was disappointed.

    You cannot see Her now. Come tomorrow morning before dawn to see the Mother” I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see a sadhu standing there smiling at me. Before I could think of something to say, he walked away.

    So that’s how it came about that I reached the Ganga Ghat early next morning. It was 5.30 a.m. and the ghat was quiet. The sun was not yet up. The river, in the twilight, looked calm and inviting. I felt an intense desire to go deep into it. I looked around and found a boatman to take me for a boatride in the river……

    …And, that boatride transformed my life. As the boatman rowed upto the centre of the river, I felt myself getting enveloped in peace. From being the centre of my own universe I felt myself becoming part of an eternal constant flow. The quiet splashing of the oars and the gurglng of the river became a divine music that took me far beyond myself.

    I felt the river talk to me. She was part of me.

    I looked back towards the ghat. For the first time,I saw it with the eyes of the River. From birth to death, the entire play of human life was being played out there. There was a new born child being baptised, young children frolicking in the shallow Water. The local stall owners were having their daily bath and others were setting up stalls. I saw an old sadhu sat in yogic meditation oblivious to a woman washing her long tresses right next to him. A family offering the ashes of their loved one to the River while the dobhi ghat nearby was slowly filling up with washermen with their load of washing for the day. An old woman begging, a young running into hordes of pigeons to make them fly. And next to all these vignettes of life – a cremation ghat with a pyre still burning. Stacks of wood piled up waiting for their turn to give salvation. The boatman told me that this cremation ghat was part of ancient history – a folktale about Raja Harishchandra.

    From birth to death in one blink of the eye. Not in sequence but all happening at the same time. Different faces in different stages – but on the same journey. And watching it all, a quiet, flowing river.

    The wisdom of the ages, the combined  life experience of all those who throng the ghats, the birth rites for infinite lives and deliverance for souls of infinite dead….all in that patient, eternal River.

    At this very instant, The Sun burst through the horizon in all its radiant glory, as if to bless me in my moment of truth. I sat back to enjoy the naughty flirtation of the oar with the blushing river and the caressing rays. The river became a sprightly, happy, vain young girl playing one suitor against the other. I felt complete – a part of this happy complete picture.

    But not for long……  I saw a sewage pipe emptying its black filth into the river. The foam from the washermen’s soaps soon stood on the water like hillocks of cotton.  Garbage floated in the river as the flower sellers threw yesterday’s leftovers into the river. Disturbed by these sights, I felt the magic fading.

    Suddenly, the boatman stopped rowing. Startled out of my reverie, I saw him then pick up a bamboo from the base of the boat and throw it into the river.

    Almost upturning the boat as I lunged to stop the bamboo from falling into the water,  I shouted at the boatman “Why did you do this? Isnt there enough muck in the river already?”

    The boatman looked surprised” Muck? Where? And the bamboo is to help the birds eat” Sure enough, a pigeon flew down and perched himself on the floating bamboo. From this secure perch, he pecked at the invisible floating stuff. ” The birds drown trying to eat from the Water. All of us put these sticks to help Ganga Maiyya feed them.”

    ‘Ganga Maiyya’ – Mother of a species that lives so comfortably with its contradictions! Men who think nothing of poisoning a River go all out to save a pesky pigeon from drowning!

    “I’ve spent the past hour listening to you talk about Ganga Maiyya . If you revere Her so much, why do you people pollute Her ?”I asked the boatman.

    The boatman looked at me increulously and replied “Kaisi baat kar rahin hain aap ! How can we pollute Her? She is purity itself! Her divine purity cleanses our souls – how can she be impure?”

    Silence – of frustration on my side and complete conviction on his.

    The boatman still looked troubled. He asked ” Have you been to ‘Gaumukh’? “

    No”, I replied.

    He nodded knowingly and continued, ” That’s why you don’t understand! Gaumukh is where the Holy Ganga starts her earthly journey. Through millions of cycles of birth and death, Ganga maiyyaa is reborn every year, as pure as always, from the always pristine Gangotri. You know why that is?”

    Of course….glaciers  are…?”I tried to explain about glaciers as  origins of perennial rivers……

    The boatman ignored this interruption, “Pollution, of the mind or body, happens when dirt clings to you. Ganga Maiyyaa, takes her Godly form to discard our black sins before her rebirth at Gangotri. She carries the divine knowledge of healing in herself. Even as she flows, she decimates all that is impure.”

    He then rummaged around in a cloth bag he had. He fished out an empty plastic bottle, handed it to me and ordered “Fill it with Ganga Jal.”

    I look around and gingerly filled the bottle.

    Mollified, he smiled and said, “Keep it. You’ll need it for pujas. And see the proof of her purity – the Water will not go bad, however many years you keep it.”

    I still have that bottle. It’s been more than 5 years – the Water looks and smells the same.

    Science or faith? Does it really matter? What matters is the wisdom of the River which knows what to keep and how.

    When we reached the river bank, I got off the boat, thanked the boatman….and then, just sat at the river bank for a long time. I know, the River knew my tumultous thoughts. She kept caressing my feet, spraying mist over my head and making cooing sounds to soothe my soul. Entranced, I watched Her as she weaved her way gracefully but with determination through obstructions.  I traced her cyclical journey from Gaumukh to the sea in my mind.

    That day, I understood why the River allows the sacrilege we commit. We invade her space, change her form and sully her, all, in the name of religion or, worse, out of sheer apathy. But, She flows on, unpertubed, because  Her wisdom gives Her empathy. She knows, that our desire for control, comes from our frightening knowledge of our mortality. So, She offers comfort in whicheverway we seek.

    The River denies us nothing because….She is secure in Her immortality.

    Is God not immortal? Unconditonal love, acceptance and support – forever and ever – Is this not what we ask of our Gods?

    The simple boatman, had shown me what I had not seen in all my years of working with Water. He showed me Divinity in Water….

    …and if  75% of our body is Water…..then….he showed me….Divinity in Me.

    Make God your Guru

    Let Him tell you what to do

    Listen he’s calling, calling you

    Take time to listen

    Take courage to obey

    The inner voice is calling, calling you

    There are voices all around me

    My enemies and my friends

    Do this, dont do that

    The chorus never ends

    But i shall always listen to that quiet inner voice

    It is swift and definite

    And I have made my choice

    Make Water your Guru….

    My God, My Guru had revealed Himself to me- Water.

    © – Jyoti Sharma

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