The 5 R's Of Water
our water conservation philosophy...Our Water Conservation philosophy is based on 5 R’s of Water.
We believe that if we follow the following FIVE principles in life with respect to water, we will not have to worry about this natural resource that is the very foundation of life as we know it.
Reduce Wastage Of Water
We promote adoption of water saving products and  processes to reduce wastage of water
Re-Use Used Water
We encourage people to use water at least twice before discarding it as waste water. For example, using last wash rinse water for mopping of floors; wash water of vegetables, lentils for watering plants etc.
Recharge Ground Water
Recycle Waste Water
Treat your own waste water and re-use it for gardening, washing of public spaces and construction. We promote a complete substitution of freshwater use in gardening with use of treated waste water.
Respect Water
Water is life – let’s re-learn to respect Water. Our religions use Water as the supreme ‘Purifier’. Re-start those traditions