Reuse Used Water
Find innovative and safe ways to reuse used water – use the same water twice or more at home or within community without recycling or cleaning it – multiplier theory of economics applied to Water Conservation…
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Some Ways to Reuse Used Water
- Reuse water used for cleaning vegetables to water plants at home
- Water from washing machine can be used to swab floors
- At the end of the day if you have water left in your water bottle do not throw it away, pour it over some plants.
- When you serve water to guests, give only half glass. If they need more, they’ll ask for it. The remaining water in the glass can be used to water plants
- Kitchen / bathroom water can be reused for flushing – engineering solutions
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Rainwater Harvesting Using Defunct Dug Well – The Aged Well of Parsara
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Definitive Guide to Reduce Water Wastage
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