Editor’s Choice, October 2016: A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship?

    Editor’s Choice, October 2016: A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship?

    Jyoti Sharma’s article – A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship? – published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review has been featured as Editor’s Choice in the Practioners’ Hub for Inclusive business.

    According to Jyoti, It is interesting to see the discussion that this article has initiated. She say, “For me, the big learning from this is that there were many of us who were thinking about this issue, but we had just not gotten around to putting pen to paper on this…

    “I am also humbled by the power of the comments and ideas that I have received in response to the article – through multiple media. The comments, I think, have more value for all of us than the article itself has! Within the next few weeks, I hope to be able to post a summary of the responses received and the way forward that they seem to suggest.

    “I think there is a need for like minded (and also those who disagree) thinkers on the issue to now look for possible solutions to stem this drift.”

    You can read the editor’s reasons for choosing the article here.

    Incentivise Water Efficiency In Production

    Incentivise Water Efficiency In Production

    A recent article in Hindustan Times quotes FORCE’s research that has found that, around the world, attempts to manage water through water policies, aimed directly at controlling water, don’t work unless a place has already reached a crisis and there is hardly any water left to share.

    “People expect the government to make water available in whatever quantity they want and consider it their right to extract water from tube wells and canals unlimitedly when the government is not able to supply, but they do not want to take responsibility for any conservation efforts,” says Jyoti Sharma, the president at FORCE India, an NGO dedicated to water conservation.

    Read the full article here

    A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship?

    A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship?

    An interesting and thought provoking article by Jyoti Sharma,  President FORCE has been published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review that evaluates if a model of social entrepreneurship focused on market-based solutions and profit is threatening to crowd out more collaborative approaches.

    The article has generated a lot of buzz in the non-profit circles and the social media. You can read the full article here and contribute to the discussion.

    Jyoti Sharma Named Social Entrepreneur in Residence

    Jyoti Sharma Named Social Entrepreneur in Residence

    Recently the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy and the Swearer Center for Public Service  at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, announced that they will welcome Jyoti Sharma as as a Taubman fellow and Brown’s first social entrepreneur in residence for the spring 2016 semester.

    Sharma is the founder of FORCE, a New Delhi-based nonprofit that works on issues of water security and sanitation, civic engagement, and sustainable development. We recently caught up with her to get her insight into social entrepreneurship and why she’s passionate about empowering local communities to manage their own water conservation and sanitation.

    You can read the complete interview here

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