Ward Jal Rakshak (JR) Club – “Water for Peace”

    Ward Jal Rakshak (JR) Club – “Water for Peace”

    Water scarcity is increasingly becoming a cause of inter user, interstate and International conflict. This is because water scarcity kills people – their health, prosperity, livelihoods and lifestyles.

    Water scarcity may well be the biggest threat to Global Peace (link of blog).

    Therefore, on the auspicious occasion of World Peace Day 2020, we invite you to join our special scheme ‘Jal Rakshak Clubs – Water foe Peace’.

    In this scheme we invite Jal Rakshaks to form a ‘Jal Rakshak Club’ of 10 Jal Rakshaks or more from within their municipal ward. The Club will be the means to promote water security practices and also the life-learning’s of a peaceful,  productive, satisfied self and society from Water as a Guru.

    Read details of JR club structure, values and activities here (add link).

    For the first five clubs, we will support meeting costs of upto Rs 1000 per meeting for 3 monthly meetings. Also, for all clubs we will offer the chance to get up to Rs 3000/- for activities on the theme ‘Water for Peace’.  Your club will also be given Water Carats or Credits as per the norms. A special prize of Rs 3000/- will also be given to the most impactful activity.

    Hurry up! Make your “Ward Jal Rakshak Club” today!

    Terms & Conditions for participation

    1. Any Jal Rakshak can participate.
    2. Jal Rakshak Club can have 10 or more Jal Rakshaks. From your municipal wards.
    3. JR Club will be formed and shall operate as per the norms in the JR&WG manual’. Please refer to it for details on how to conduct Club meetings.
    4. Scheme’ includes monthly meetings and at least one activity (which may include number of people reached or amount of water saved).
    5. Registration of Ward JR club to be done by 15th October, 2020.
    6. Activities to be completed by 30th October 2020.
    7. Meeting grant will be given on first come first serve basis. The first 5 clubs that register before 30th September, 2020.
    8. Each and every member of the Jal Rakshak club should be registered on JR&WG App.
    9. All the clubs have to provide written commitment that these clubs will be functional even after the completion of this scheme.
      • We are happy to discuss more detail about this scheme with you; we are always available between 4 PM to 5 PM on every Tuesday and Friday to discuss any further details.
      • It is mandatory to maintain document of verification for your conducted activities or meetings, which includes Bills, photographs of the event etc.
      • Selection of activities and winners to support is at the sole discretion of FORCE.
      • After the verification of work, the grant amount will be dispersed to the winning JR Clubs.
      • For any query and suggestion feel free to contact us at +91 87450 17933 or write us at wgi@forcetrust.org
      • WG App link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digitalindiavibes.wg


    Water For Peace

    Of all the crises the world faces today, water scarcity is perhaps the most worrying. Water is essential to fulfil all our  needs. Without water we cannot grow food, maintain hygiene, make homes, buildings, machines, computers…in short, no human activity can be done without water. Perhaps that is why human civilization developed along river banks and why scientists are feverishly trying to find water on other moons and planets

    This overwhelming dependence on water in the face of rising human need is the root cause of water conflict.

    Take a look at this map. It shows the global water status in 2025. The  parts in yellow and red colours are those which will face physical or economic water scarcity while those in blue are those that will be water secure. A closer look will show that most developing and underdeveloped nations – the poorest, most populous and conflicted parts of the world – are red or yellow. If in these areas water scarcity becomes worse then conflicts will surely increase. Water. Instead of being the life giver, will become the cause of much misery!

    Yemen showcases an example of water scarcity leading to conflict. Because of severe mismanagement, Yemen’s water availability is declining dramatically. The impact of water scarcity on the people is however, unequally distributed. Corruption and nepotism is at the core of this imbalance. This has increasingly frustrated the disadvantaged. Water scarcity has played a big role in fuelling the political and security crisis in Yemen.I

    n India the long-standing conflict over water from the Cauvery River between the Karnataka and Tamil Nadu has recently resurfaced in the context of drier climate conditions. The implications are not only legal battles, but also violent protests following decisions to alter water distribution between the two states.

    Water is not just life. It is also Peace. On World Peace Day, let us pledge to create Water Security for World Peace

    Blog by: Adarsha , Documentation Co-ordinator, FORCE and Jyoti Sharma, President, FORCE

    Participate in Plantation Drive and Win Rs. 5000!

    Participate in Plantation Drive and Win Rs. 5000!

    Dear Jal Rakshaks

    Many thanks for your kind interest in becoming an environment saviour. As we all know the groundwater crisis is becoming worse every day. We blame everyone else but ourselves for the same. The time has come for each of us to take the initiative and start work to arrest the fall in groundwater levels across the country.

    This monsoon month, let us plant indigenous trees in our localities which would help clean the air, bring rain, and eventually recharge the groundwater. Under this “plantation drive” offered by FORCE, you not only make your areas green by planting trees but also get recognised with some rewards!

    Under this offer we invite Jal Rakshak & Water Guardian Clubs (JR&WG Clubs), RWAs and individuals to plant 50 or more trees in their localities. For this greening, we will award 20 water carats (1 Water carat is equivalent to 10,000 Litres of water saved, which is equivalent to 3 mature tree) as well as a prize money of Rs 5000 to the first 10 participants.

    Hurry up! As Water saviours, let us lock each drop of rainwater in the root of native tree species and improve the ground water quality and Water table.

    Terms & Condition for participating in the “FORCE Jal Rakshak Plantation Drive”

    • This plantation drive is open till 20th September 2020.
    • Any JR&WG Clubs RWA or Individual can enrol themselves in this drive.
    • The basic task to win this offer is to plant 50 or more trees in your respective localities or space available nearby and register as Jal Rakshak on the JR&WG App (link given below).
    • Plants must be native or indigenous species.
    • Plantation work must be uploaded on JR&WG App on or before 20th September 2020.
    • If the document with respect to plantation drive is received after 20th Sep 2020 then the Club/RWA/Individual is eligible for earning water carat depending on the number of trees planted and hence water saved, but not the prize.
    • The accepted uploaded documents would be either photographs with timestamp and geo location or Video of the plantation work.
    • Verification of validity of the uploaded document with regard to the plantation drive will be performed by FORCE Team and if any error in the uploaded document is found then the club / RWA / Individual will be notified for the same.
    • After the verification of work, FORCE team will select the first ten clubs/ RWA/ Individual (can be anyone), and the name of the winning club / RWA / Individual will be displayed on FORCE website.
    • First ten verified documents uploaded by clubs/ RWA/ Individual will get the offered prize and all verification and selection process will be under the supervision of FORCE team.
    • The winning prize for this plantation drive is Rs. 5000 per club or RWA or an Individual, and it is on first come and first serve basis so hurry up!
    • For any individuals, if he/she is also participating in any club or RWA the count of the trees must be different. (For example: if he/she has individually planted 40 trees and also participated in a club named “XYZ” which has planted 10 trees, if both have participated for the plantation drive, it will be discarded and the respective water carat will be credited in their account.)
    • For any clubs, RWAs and Individuals who want to participate in this drive must register themselves as Jal Rakshak on WG App.
    • For any query and suggestion feel free to contact us at +91 87450 17933 or write us at wgi@forcetrust.org
    • WG App link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digitalindiavibes.wg
    Definitive Guide to Reduce Water Wastage

    Definitive Guide to Reduce Water Wastage

    Reduce Wastage of Water – the 1st R of Water Conservation

    Every day we read about the shortage of water in India and many other countries. Niti Aayog in one of its reports has suggested that as many as 21 cities will run out of ground water as early as 2020.  Such a scenario always brings up a question – is there really a shortage of water? And the simple answer is NO. There is no shortage of water. Nature gives us more water than our needs. Yes, nature is unable to give us more eater than our greed.

    Quantity of freshwater is fixed – It reaches us after going through 2 cycles – Nature’s Water cycle and Manmade Water Cycle. One of the simplest ways to overcome the perceived shortage of water is to simply prevent wastage of water. It can save a lot of misery, effort and money. And numbers are huge.

    How to Reduce Wastage of Water

    To save water, we follow 5 R’s of Water Conservation. The 1st R of Water Conservation is – Reduce Wastage of Water.

    This article is about how to reduce wastage of water. It is not yet a definitive guide on reduction of wastage of water. But it aims to be with the help of knowledgeable readers such as yourself. We have listed below ways in which we can achieve our objective of water conservation by reducing water wastage. I am sure that we have missed out a few wonderful ideas. It is my request that you share your ideas about how to reduce wastage of water in the comments section below or use the contact us page to share the ideas. We ill incorporate them in the article with due credit to you.

    1. Save one bucket of water each day by reducing the consumption. In a city like Delhi which has a population of 18.5 million, if every person saves 1 bucket a day (15 liters of water), then 27.75 crore liters / day or 10128.75 crore liters / year are saved. This is equal to 42 days requirement of all families in Delhi. (Assumption each family has 5 members who require 130 liters of water every day). This is true for all cities irrespective of the population of the city. If each person saves one bucket of water every day, the total water saved will help sustain all families in the city for 42 days. The question that can be asked now is how you save at least one bucket water every day. Here are some ways to do it:

        1. Use aerators in all taps.
        2. Use dual flush system in the toilets
        3. Use a water mug while brushing your teeth instead of using running tap water in the sink.
        4. Similarly use a water mug or tumbler while shaving and not let the tap water flow as you shave.
        5. It is advisable to turn of the tap while scrubbing / soaping hands. Turn on the tap only to wet the hand and later to rinse the soap off.
        6. Use bucket or a can to water plants instead of a hose pipe.
        7. Mop the floors to clean them instead of using a hose pipe with running water.
        8. Use water in bucket to clean your vehicles instead of hose pipe with running water.
        9. Take bath with water filled in a bucket instead of using a shower. However, if you do not spend too long in the shower (under 5 minutes) then shower bath may be used.
        10. Use a bucket or large container to rinse the utensils instead of using the running tap water.
        11. Use water efficient washing machines that consume lesser water per wash
        12. Use float valves and water level indicators in storage tanks so that there is no water overflow.
        13. Serve half glass of water to your guests. If they need more water, the’ll ask for it.

    2. Reduce water wastage by ensuring that there are no leaking taps. If a tap leaks @ 1 drop / second, we lose 2000 litres/month. If there are two such taps in each house, Delhi loses 49.33 Cr litres / day or 18007 Cr litres / year which is equal to 74 days water requirement of all families of Delhi.

    3. RO filters are a big source of water wastage. In areas where the water is supplied by the municipal corporations, a RO is not really required since the TDS level of the water is quite low. In such cases other form of water purifiers such as UV or gravity filters may be quite enough. However, if you must use RO water purifiers, then the reject water from the RO should be used again. There are many ways in which the RO reject water can be used to reduce the water wastage after the TDS level of the reject water is tested (Water with TDS below 2000 can be used for many purposes)

        1. Cleaning the floor
        2. Watering the plants
        3. Washing vehicles
        4. Washing the utensils
        5. Flushing

    As I have mentioned earlier, there must be many other ways in which water wastage can be reduced. Please share your ideas in the comments section below or write to us through the contact us page.

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