Rainy Stream Survey Form
rainy streams, rivulets, small & big rivers - all help ground water rechargeRainy streams or Rain-dependent streams (ephemeral) flow only after it has rained. Runoff from rainfall is the primary source of water for these streams. They can be found anywhere but are most prevalent in areas that do not have a very high frequency of rainfall..
Despite their seasonal or temporary appearance on the landscape, seasonal and rain-dependent streams are critical to the health of river systems, are hydro-logically and biologically connected to the downstream waters, and provide many of the same functions and values as rivers and larger streams.
These water streams are excellent source of fresh water. They are also excellent resource for ground water recharge. You could make trenches, lose boulder structures and gabion structures to temporarily arrest the flow of the water to recharge the aquifer. In the absence of such interventions, usually the water from such streams either flows into downstream rivers or ends up in sewerage drains which contaminates the water. For decentralized water security it is best if rainwater in such is recharged to the ground to the maximum extent possible.
This rainy stream survey form will help us identify locations for water-shed development.
We will also over time plot the locations of these rainy streams on a GIS map which will help us all plan for the water security of the area.
We also request you to share this page with your friends, colleagues and relative and also on your social media pages to help us reach as many water conservation enthusiasts as possible so that we are able to plan water conservation initiatives in more areas to make communities water secure.
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