Parks Survey Form
Parks are natural ground water recharge areas, artificial ground water recharge would be bonus…
In the earlier times, when there were more green spaces, rain water used to percolate into the ground and helped maintain the ground water level to a large extent. However, with the increase in the urbanization most spaces are paved. The green spaces have reduced and are now mostly limited to Parks.
A Park offers excellent opportunities for rain water harvesting. There are multiple ways in which rain water harvesting can be done in parks, such as:
- Percolation trenches
- Percolation pits
- Ponds or water bodies
- Recharge wells
- Dugwells etc.
This Park survey form will help us do the following:
- Make a database of Parks.
- Understand of the current level of rain water harvesting in the given park.
- Plan for 100% exploitation of the Park for ground water recharge.
We will also over time plot the locations of the Parks on a GIS map which will help us all plan for the water security of the area.
We also request you to share this page with your friends, colleagues and relative and also on your social media pages to help us reach as many water conservation enthusiasts as possible so that we are able to plan water conservation initiatives in more areas to make communities water secure.
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