Baseline of water conservation assets
Rainwater Harvesting
Defunct Tubewells
Water logging points
Water Bodies
Rainy streams
Tree less stretches
Water Guardians
Need For A Baseline Survey Of Water Assets
Baseline helps us understand where we are. If we know where we want to be, baseline helps us make the plan to reach our end goal.
For us, the end goal is water security of communities. Communities will be water secure, when the water consumption is less than the water availability.
Our objective – increase water availability and reduce water consumption through water efficiency.
This baseline survey will help us assess the current systems available that will help increase availability of water. It will also help us understand the users – stakeholders – the consumption of water by them and the ways in which they conserve /use water.
The information so available will help us make plans for making respective communities water secure.
As a Volunteer, help us conduct the baseline survey of water conservation assets, nationally. Just look around your immediate surroundings, and if you see anything which looks like a water conservation asset as listed below, collect the relevant information and upload by clicking the appropriate link.
May we also request you to share this page widely to engage as many people as possible in the baseline survey.
Rainwater Harvesting
Defunct Tubewells
Water logging points
Water Bodies
Rainy streams
Tree less stretches
Water Guardians
About Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater Harvesting merely means – ‘Catching and Storing Rain where it falls’.
Generally accepted norms to design an effective Rainwater Harvesting system
Some frequently asked questions on rain water harvesting
Average rainfall per person per day – State-wise & District wise
Want to calculate how much water you saved by following 5R’s of Water Conservation in your house / locality / institution?
Visit to calculate
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Rainwater Harvesting Using Defunct Dug Well – The Aged Well of Parsara
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