Rainwater Harvesting Design Details

    Rainwater Harvesting structure size and design based on your inputs

    Rainwater Harvesting structure size

    The catchment details submitted by you are summarized below:

    District NameDname
    City / Town / Village NameCname
    Roof top area in Square metersRA12
    Paved Area in Square MeterPA11
    Green Area in Square MetersGA10

    Based on the above information, you need to make a Rainwater Harvesting structure with volume of  {Size of Rainwater Harvesting structure in cum:13} cum

    Who is a Jal Rakshak

    Water knows no boundaries. Water Security benefits all those who live in an area. The reverse too is true – irresponsible water behaviours by even one, impacts the water security of all.

    Going by current trends, by 2025 half the world’s population will be living with water stress. Much of India will be part of it. If we are to survive this crisis, we need to become Water Wise.

    Each of us can be a FORCE for Water Security – a Jal Rakshak or a Water Guardian

    Jal RakshakYou are a Jal Rakshak if you are an individual or institution who, voluntarily, does water conservation or spreads awareness about it. You could be doing this in your own home, your locality, school, institution, workplace or online! The scale does not matter too – whether you impact 5 people or 5 million, whether you save 5 litres or 5 billion, you are a Jal Rakshak because you care for Water.

    Register as a Jal Rakshak to join the Jal Rakshak community. Share your achievements, help create your city’s Water Security database and learn about the FORCE 5 R’s of Water Conservation and from the work of other Jal Rakshaks. We will also be awarding you Water Carats (1 WCa for 10,000 litres of annual water saving) and Water Credits (1WCr for 100 people made aware about Water Conservation).

    Over time, we will reach out to you with offers and schemes to thank you for your contribution to water security. Every World Water Day (March 22) we will also be felicitating Jal Rakshaks with the maximum Water Carats and Water Credits in their cities / districts.


    Register as a Jal Rakshak

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    Help us revive water bodies & make communities water secure


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