Recharge Groundwater


    Rain is the only source of water and groundwater is the only water you truly own – the water in the ground beneath your feet that no inter-state rivalry can take away from you. Hence Recharging Groundwater is the surest way to create water security.

    recharge grounwater

    groundwater is the largest fresh water source

    importance of groundwater

    Why groundwater recharge

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    Ways to Recharge the Groundwater

    Rainwater Harvesting

    Rainwater Harvesting using borewells; abandoned tubewells, handpumps, percolation pits and dug wells


    Give enough time to rainwater to infiltrate into the ground, and help increase ground water level in the area.

    Water body

    Revive existing water bodies, make new water bodies / ponds etc. Ensure rainwater reaches the water body.


    Trees help reduce soil erosion, absorb harmful gases and increasing ground water levels in the area

    Want to calculate how much water you saved by recharging groundwater in your house / locality / institution?

    Visit to calculate

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