Documentation of Water Bodies

    Their linkages with planned resettlement colonies and informal settlements
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    Water bodies & Resettlement colonies

    This report is a documentation of water bodies in Delhi and their linkages with (planned) Resettlement Colonies and informal settlements.

    Urban populations are growing fast in developing nations but urban planning has not been able to keep pace. One of the major casualties of this mismatch are Water Bodies such as ponds, streams, rivers etc. The poor also suffer, because they tend to live in unplanned, service deprived, squatter settlements or are given poorly planned settlements in inhospitable parts of the city.

    This study by FORCE funded by GIZ seeks to explore the status of Water Bodies and planned resettlements of the poor in Delhi, India and the interface between the two from the perspective of sanitation.

    Graphical representation of Water Bodies in Delhi

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