Our Mission - Make Communities Water Secure

    Of all the social and natural crisis we face, water scarcity and pollution touch every facet of life, from the health of children to the ability of nations to secure food for their citizens. Finding out ways to handle this scarcity becomes all the more important in view of global warming and its predicted impact of creating a water crisis.

    Water Conflicts, at all levels, are on the rise – both in numbers and intensity. Countries, regions and States are adopting increasingly belligerent stances to lay claim over water resources – static or transient – in their areas. User groups accuse each other of stealing their water – it’s agriculture vs. industry vs. energy vs. domestic use and all users vs. the Environment!

    Fresh water supplies across the world, are falling while its demand is growing at a rate that is impossible to meet. Over the next 20 years, the average supply of water world-wide per person is expected to drop by a third. If present consumption patterns continue, two out of every three persons on the earth will have to live in water-stressed conditions by the year 2025.

    The poor continue to be the worst affected with 50 per cent of the population in the developing countries exposed to polluted water sources. The per capita water supply decreased by more than 40% between 1970 and 2011. Water demand, on the other hand, has almost doubled. Inequalities abound – The developed countries consume 30 to 50 times of the water resources as compared to the developing world. Water pollution and over-extraction make it worse by worsening the quality of the already meager water resources.

    Source: International Atomic Energy Agency

    In the map above, the blue areas show those portions of the world that will have adequate water for their populations. The red portions show those that will have Physical Water Stress i.e. not enough water to support their populations. The yellow areas are those that will have Economic Water Stress i.e. inadequate resources to efficiently use even the water resources they have. Over and above this, the striped red and yellow portions are those parts of the world which, because of lack of water, will not be able to grow enough food for their populations and will therefore be forced to import 10% or more of their cereal requirements.

    A closer look at the figure will show that most of the developing world suffers from varying degrees of water stress whereas most of the developed world has little or no water stress. Since the developing world holds the largest chunk of poor populations and the most unstable regions of the world, the human impact of water scarcity and its potential for triggering conflict will be enormous.


    Because, if we fail, the next wars may well be fought for water.

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