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    Interesting articles on water conservation, sanitation & hygiene

    A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship?

    A Neoliberal Takeover of Social Entrepreneurship?

    An interesting and thought provoking article by Jyoti Sharma,  President FORCE has been published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review that evaluates if a model of social entrepreneurship focused on market-based solutions and profit is threatening to crowd out...

    Let’s Have A Blue Christmas

    [ezcol_2third] [/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end] Did you know that the red and white clothes of Santa Claus are not really of his choice. They are the colors of Coca-Cola. It is popularly believed that in the 1920’s an artist for Coca-Cola drew Santa Claus in the...

    Grain Size Analysis At MDU Rohtak

    Presentation on: Grain Size Analysis at MDU Rohtak - by Jyoti sharma at the National workshop on: 'Water Conservation and Pollution' organised by the National Committee Of International Association Of Hydrogeologists' (INC-IAH) and Manav Rachna Educational...

    Jyoti Sharma Named Social Entrepreneur in Residence

    Jyoti Sharma Named Social Entrepreneur in Residence

    Recently the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy and the Swearer Center for Public Service  at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, announced that they will welcome Jyoti Sharma as as a Taubman fellow and Brown's first social entrepreneur in...

    Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship in Water Sector

    Sustainability of interventions is a challenge faced by welfare practitioners particularly where the interventions involve a sustainability cost. Increasingly, Social Entrepreneurship is being seen as a viable method to ensure sustainability especially in...

    World Toilet Day Celebration

    These women have worked tirelessly to make their respective communities Open Defecation (OD) Free. They have understood the much touted saying that Cleanliness is next to Godliness. As part of their felicitation by FORCE under the "Swatch Delhi, Swasth Delhi" (Clean...

    Pro Or Against Water

    WaterIn a recent Workshop, a comment by one of my friends in the developmental sector said something that got me thinking.  We were talking about a civil society advocacy group for Water. She asked me whether I wanted to be part of that group. I immediately said “Yes – any group that cares for Water is a group I’d like to be part of.” Then I asked her who the other members were. She reeled off some names. I was familiar with them and so, without thinking, I said, “ Oh- the Anti-Privatization group?’ She looked at me speculatively and replied, “ Yes…though we too are part of it.” Then more suspiciously, she asked ” Are you pro-privatization or Against?”

    Water Poem for Children

    Stones-in-waterHi I am Varun

    ‘Mr Water’ if you please,

    I’m here to make new friends

    With you and all your buddies.

    I’m a quiet kinda guy

    So I don’t like to brag;

    The Sanitation and Water Challenge in Delhi

    Sanitation & water challengeFORCE* is organizing an ‘Expert Dialogue’ titled ‘The Sanitation and Water Challenge in Delhi – With Special reference to Regularization and Resettlement of the Poor’. The Expert Speakers will share their views on the current and expected challenges in providing adequate, sustainable sanitation and Water services to the lesser privileged in Delhi.

    FORCE will also share the findings of a recent sample study that was done on Community Toilet complex usage, management, infrastructure and maintenance. The study also analyses the impact …

    Excerpt From My Book – WaGu

    Water the guruDear Jal Rakshaks,

    As I saw more and more of Water in my work for its conservation, I started to see that Water is not a mere ‘resource’. All that you need to learn about living a life well lived, you can learn from Water. I see, Water as my Guru. Please read this excerpt from the first draft of a book I’m writing on it. Please share with me stories, ideas, existential questions….anything…. that you think must be a part of  a book like this.

    Also please help me find a title for the book ! 

    Jal Yachana – All Religion Prayer Meeting

    Water PrayerIn a unique ceremony, FORCE, has called for citizens, political leaders, religious institutions to cut across all divides and jointly pray to God for alleviating the distress of those suffering because of drought or flood. On 7th of August between 9.30 to 10.30 am, ‘Jal Yachana – Sarva Dharma Prarthana Sabha’ has been organized.

    An All – Religion Prayer Session where leaders, citizens and children from all over Delhi will gather together to pray to the Almighty to bless the parched Earth with his blessing of Rain.

    Satyamev Jayate & Water

    amir khanDid you watch Aamir Khan in ‘Satyamev Jayate, on water, yesterday? Going by the smses I got telling me to watch it, I think many of you did ! Did you like it ?

    I did. Reminded me a bit of a Dire Straits track… Constant base guitar that gets deep into the heart, nimble lead that runs through every part of the brain and a voice that spells,’ I’m here – Why worry now’?

    The program was complete – the right mix of head and heart. It had film clips and activists who focussed attention on what was wrong with the existing systems.

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